# Properties file written by PropUpdate at Fri Jan 26 12:28:43 EST 2018 # creator_did = ivo://nasa.heasarc/P/Swift/UVOT/int_UVW1 hips_status = public mirror cloneableOnce obs_title = Combined Swift UVOT intensities: band UVW1 obs_description = Intensity map for the Swift UVOT UVW1 band for the period from 2005 through mid 2017 obs_collection = Swift_UVOT_int_UVW1 client_category = Image/UV/Swift/UVOT hips_version = 1.4 obs_regime = UV hips_tile_format = fits png dataproduct_type = image hips_frame = equatorial hips_creator = NASA/HEASARC publisher_id = ivo://nasa.heasarc prov_progenitor = Generated from public data in HEASARC archive # hips_order = 9 hips_tile_width = 512 hips_pixel_bitpix = -32 hips_hierarchy = mean hips_builder = hipsUtil.Divider hips_release_date = 2017-09-22T01:43Z # t_min = 53371 t_max = 57934 em_min = 2.253E-7 em_max = 2.956E-7 # hips_initial_fov = 0.34526 hips_initial_ra = 6.95016 hips_initial_dec = -1.1621 hips_pixel_cut = 0 7.365 hips_data_range = 0 1 hips_pixel_scale = 2.236E-4 s_pixel_scale = 2.788E-4 moc_sky_fraction = 0.0413 #