creator_did = ivo://CDS/P/ULTRAVISTA/J obs_collection = ULTRAVISTA J obs_title = ULTRAVISTA J obs_description = UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with the new VISTA surveys telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA will repeatedly image the COSMOS field in 5 bands covering a 1.5deg^2 field. bib_reference = 2012A&A...544A.156M bib_reference_url = obs_copyright = ULTRAVISTA consortium obs_copyright_url = client_category = Image/Infrared/UltraVista client_sort_key = 04-002-02 hips_release_date = 2019-05-05T07:37Z hips_creator = CDS hips_version = 1.4 hips_order = 12 hips_frame = equatorial hips_tile_width = 512 hips_tile_format = jpeg fits dataproduct_type = image moc_access_url = #hips_service_url = hips_status = public mirror clonableOnce #For compatibility hips_initial_fov = 0.014314526715905856 hips_initial_ra = 150.347900390625 hips_initial_dec = 1.2870251541460545 hips_copyright = CNRS/Unistra obs_ack = Data products from observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatories under ESO programme ID 179.A-2005 and on data products produced by TERAPIX and the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit on behalf of the UltraVISTA consortium prov_progenitor = ESO # 5th December 2009 and the 19th of April 2010 t_min = 55170 t_max = 55305 obs_regime = Infrared # 1.25um em_min = 1.25e-6 em_max = 1.25e-6 hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.123 hips_pixel_bitpix = 16 hips_pixel_scale = 2.795E-5 moc_sky_fraction = 9.968E-5 hips_estsize = 14682144 hipsgen_date = 2017-08-03T09:50Z hipsgen_params = -notouch out=J UPDATE hips_creation_date = 2013-06-21T14:40Z hips_order_min = 0 hipsgen_date_1 = 2019-05-05T07:37Z hipsgen_params_1 = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume10/VISTA/UltraVista/J UPDATE