creator_did = ivo://CDS/P/VLSSr obs_collection = VLSSr obs_title = VLSSr - 74 MHz continuum obs_description = The VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSS) is a 74 MHz continuum survey covering the entire sky north of -30 degrees declination. Using the VLA in BnA and B-configurations, it will map the entire survey region at a resolution of 80" and with an average rms noise of 0.1 Jy/beam. This version include the data from the VLSS redux which increased the coverage region slightly and substantially improved the data reduction. Details are in the Lane et al. (2012) reference. Frequency: 74 MHz, PixelUnits: Janskies/Beam. The VLSSr represents a major improvement to the original VLSS over most of the sky. It includes six previously unpublished fields, and improved dynamic range in 95% of all fields. The clean bias has been halved and is now 0.66 times the local RMS. The largest angular size imaged has been roughly doubled to 36', and the number of cataloged sources is increased by 35% to %93,000. obs_ack = Radio Science v. 47, RS0K04 obs_copyright_url = prov_progenitor = NRAO & The NRL - obtained through SkyView NASA/HEASARC client_category = Image/Radio client_sort_key = 05-10 hips_release_date = 2019-05-05T07:42Z hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.123 hips_creator = Fernique P. (CDS) hips_version = 1.4 hips_order = 5 hips_frame = equatorial hips_tile_width = 512 hips_tile_format = png fits dataproduct_type = image hips_pixel_cut = -0.2854 1.065 hips_data_range = -4.545 12.08 hips_initial_ra = 90.00484 hips_initial_dec = +54.99722 hips_initial_fov = 33.9889 moc_access_url = hips_progenitor_url = #hips_service_url = hips_status = public mirror clonableOnce #For compatibility hips_copyright = CNRS/Unistra bib_reference = 2014MNRAS.440..327L bib_reference_url = obs_copyright = NRAO & The NRL # The VLSSr reprocessed all of the data from the original VLSS project. The observations were made between 2001 and 2007, under VLA observing programs AP397, AP441, AP452, and AP509 t_min = 51910 t_max = 54464 obs_regime = Radio #The VLSSr radio survey uses the NRAO Very Large Array telescope to cover the sky north of a declination of -30 degrees at a frequency of 74 MHz (4 meters wavelength) em_min = 4 em_max = 4 hips_pixel_scale = 0.003579 moc_sky_fraction = 0.8584 hips_estsize = 15340172 hips_creation_date = 2014-12-16T10:19Z hips_order_min = 0 hips_pixel_bitpix = -32 hipsgen_date = 2019-05-05T07:42Z hipsgen_params = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume10/VLSSr UPDATE