client_category = Ancillary/Simbad bibliography/By object types hips_copyright = © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved hips_license = ODbL-1.0 obs_copyright = © Université de Strasbourg - CNRS. All rights reserved hips_initial_fov = 58.63230142835039 hips_initial_ra = 0 hips_initial_dec = +0 creator_did = ivo://CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/UV hips_creator = CDS obs_title = Simbad heatmap - UV #obs_collection = Dataset collection name #obs_description = Dataset text description #obs_ack = Acknowledgement mention #prov_progenitor = Provenance of the original data (free text) #bib_reference = Bibcode for bibliographic reference #bib_reference_url = URL to bibliographic reference #obs_copyright_url = URL to copyright page of the original data #t_min = Start time in MJD ( =(Unixtime/86400)+40587 or #t_max = Stop time in MJD #obs_regime = Waveband keyword (Radio Infrared Optical UV X-ray Gamma-ray) #em_min = Start in spectral coordinates in meters ( =2.998E8/freq in Hz, or =1.2398841929E-12*energy in MeV ) #em_max = Stop in spectral coordinates in meters hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v12.032 hips_version = 1.4 hips_release_date = 2023-01-30T07:52Z hips_frame = equatorial hips_order = 3 hips_tile_width = 64 #hips_service_url = ex: http://yourHipsServer/DM simbad-biblio otypes UV hips_status = public mirror unclonable hips_tile_format = fits png hips_pixel_bitpix = -64 hips_pixel_cut = -1.46E-4 2 hips_data_range = -9.012 27.02 hips_pixel_scale = 0.1145 dataproduct_type = image hipsgen_date = 2023-01-30T07:52Z hipsgen_params = "title=Simbad heatmap - UV" "creator=CDS Simbad" "pixelCut=-0.000146 2.000000 sqrt" id=ivo://CDS/P/DM/simbad-biblio/otypes/UV in=/tmp/tmp0csofnol out=/var/www/hips-simbad/data/simbad-biblio/UV mode=OVERWRITE MAPTILES PNG hips_creation_date = 2023-01-30T07:52Z